A church family that meets you where you are with love and joy, challenges you to live God's word and desires to walk with you in all the seasons of your life.


Do you have a topic for discussion? Are you looking for a place to ask your questions? Let us know and we will journey with you!

Are you wondering about the chaos and divisions in our world? We don't ever claim to have the answers but we are eager to explore for solutions that will grow our community.

Easter is April 20. 2025. Ash Wednesday is March 5 . On March 5 Pastor Dion from Valley Falls and I will be available to administer ashes to all who desire them on Ash Wednesday morning. Please come to Victor Lodge between 6 am and 9 am to receive ashes and prayer to begin your Lenten Journey. Lent will be observed from March 6 Till April 5. We will be partaking in Tuesday noon Lenten Lunches and discussion at Transfiguration Church. Please join us and share in the story of faith.

Book Study: Psalms: Every Wednesday: 11- 12 Books available!

Call Lynne: 207-319-5307- for Information.

Season 5 of the Chosen will be out on March 28 in theatres and then into streaming. We can make arrangements to watch the 3 sections over 4 weeks which will provide a witness to what Christ suffered for us. This is a good chance to live into the story of our faith and grasp some of the teachings that have been part of our faith. Call me for more information.

We are overwhelmed with joy to share that our congregation has grown by 3 adults. Shelley Jones opened her membership to active and Sharon Demars and Sally Lesson became mew members by affirmation of faith. We are so very excited to have these fine women as part of our family of faith.

Community Garage Sale May 2 and 3, 2025, accepting donations April 28. Send picks of items to lenhardyny@gmail.com or call to check if acceptable- 207-319-5307. No furniture- no clothing. Soft cover books yes- old books no. working small appliances and house hold goods and decor acceptable.

March 8 Community Meal served 5- 6 pm Presbyterian United Church Dining Room. Free to the Community. Come in and enjoy a hot meal with friends in your community.

Hosted and prepared by Hoosic Valley Senior National Honor Society. Menu will be Chili. Salad, rolls, brownies and cookies. Write your text here...

To complete a survey for the Community Center Initiative Click here ...https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScryNX66jRhFOM3IzynmPPoVLtHDLUneyChupfLvIouhQArug/viewform

The Presbyterian United Church is warm and welcoming to all without doubt or hesitation. We are seekers of Christ way, truth and light. We serve God by serving the community where we have been placed. We invite everyone to come, taste and see that the Lord is good and waits for us all to open our lives to the redeeming love. We have a seat for you in any pew and or at any table in this building and at any gathering. We celebrate communion on the first Sunday of every month and at special times throughout the year. We are happy to baptize children, youth and adults interested in becoming marked as Christ's own in the kingdom. Our dining room and kitchen are recently rebuilt and are available for rental for your family or group functions. Pastor: Rev. Lynne Hardy.

Community Life Support Inc, a non- profit entity since 2019 (at https://clsschaghticoke.com) has residence in our building. Community Life Support (CLS) manages the Schaghticoke Food Pantry and the many projects that address food insecurity in our area of Rensselaer County. CLS seeks to provide health and wellness educational opportunities for the community including Tai Chi and Yoga Classes, Young At Heart Senior Groups, Tiny Tots and Teen Time, and multiple other learning opportunities throughout the year. CLS is responsible for community events that occur throughout the year: The Strawberry Festival in June, The Harvest Fest in September, and Christmas Around the Corner in November. Last year we added Cut for A Cause- free haircuts in August as families prepared for the return to school. The free monthly Community Meals program is part of their mission. We provide volunteer hours for students of Hoosic Valley School for community service. Come have a place with us. Board Members include: Elizabeth Baker, Sue Pritt, Christine Barton, David Smith, Sharon Kosowsky, Ted Wright, Deanna Rohloff, Debra Barton, Tanya Lipinski, Dawn Knauss, Nikki Simoncavage, and Lynne Hardy.

Prayer: Lord- We praise and thank you for the wonderful gifts and opportunities in each day. We know decisions all around us are not ours to make- but the outcomes of those very decisions may provide the fodder we need to be faithful. We thank you for being with us in the midst of these challenging opportunities. May we open ourselves to your kingdom work through all our interactions. Watch between us as we are walking apart one from the other today. Amen

About Us

We are all called to share of our bounty in whatever way we are able or choose. As we seek to be a church who knows and serves for Jesus in Schaghticoke, we are focused on honoring and recognizing and being thankful for the Offerings of the People of Time, Talent, Energy aa well as Income. Its not just the money in the plate (always necessary for paying the bills).

We receive gladly from our friends and family, from the world around us and from you the time, talents and energy of life lived in your gospel. There are times the gift we need is in our hand already or in the hand of another standing beside us. We willing share from the wealth we have for the goodness of all who are here or anywhere in need. Weekly we reflect on the efforts we or others have made to share their time or talents or energy in such a way as to promote positive joyful outcomes for others in our community.

Prayer of Thanksgiving: God of grace and God of glory, we thank you for your generous blessings which enrich our lives. Help us to be good stewards of all you give. May we freely give with generous hearts, even as we have received what you have so freely given us, Jesus Christ, your indescribable gift. Amen.

We are always grateful to God and to all who provide support through monetary donations as well as time, talent, and energy. If you feel called to be a supporter of any kind please reach out to us for more information. Monetary Support can be done through our GiveButter account by clicking this link: https://givebutter.com/7y1g6A. To volunteer for an event or assist with a program- call us- 518- 753- 6277 and leave me a message. Have an idea for a group, program or event call 207-319-5307 and leave me a message or email me at lenhardyny@gmail.com.

Community Life Support grows again- maybe you have been hearing about a new group for our local vendors- crafters, cottage industries and service businesses- this new branch is... The Greater Hoosic Valley Community Business Alliance - more information to follow- but in the meantime if you are interested- connect with me- Lynne- 207- 319-5307. Founders- Christine Barton, Christina "Chrissy" Newton, Peggy Gray, Tanya Lipinski, Alisha "Lish" Chase, Debra Barton, Ericka "E" O'Hara, Lynne Hardy.

This is a Alliance we are building with all interested businesses in the Greater Hoosic Valley area who have connections to Community Life Support and or are self employed in providing services or making and selling their own products in and around the areas. Benefits to the alliance partners are many: unique opportunities to be showcased in newsletters, on Facebook, and in small boutiques where a small group are introduced to the public and can be experienced in a more intimate event. Mentoring groups and educational opportunities will also be forthcoming.

If you love supporting local small businesses, join our mailing list to get them sent to your inbox each month - sign up here: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/sl/sqWKHb4

Contact Us

Get in touch with us for any inquiries or to join our community. Accessible to all- elevator available. 518-753-6277

(518) 753-6277


Pastor Lynne Hardy Contact Info:

Phone: (207) 319-5307

Email: lenhardyny@gmail.com


Home of Community Life Support: FB: Community Life Support Inc. 2019

Website: https://clsschaghticoke.com


Do you have a topic for discussion? Are you looking for a place to ask your questions? Let us know and we will journey with you!

Are you wondering about the chaos and divisions in our world? We don't ever claim to have the answers but we are eager to explore for solutions that will grow our community.

Sunday morning Worship Fall hours

10:30 am- Noon- with Coffee Hour

Handicap/Wheelchair Accessible available.

Book Study: Psalms: Every Wednesday: 11- 12 Books available!

Call Lynne: 207-319-5307- for Information.

Would you like to join us for a viewing party and discussion of the 4 seasons of The Chosen. We will begin in the fall- Sept and continue on through watching 2 episodes a week until we finish season 4 around March of 2025- then season 5 will come out and we will watch it together as well. This is a good chance to live into the story of our faith and grasp some of the teachings that have been part of our faith. Call me for more information.